The first thing I wanted to do was to check to see if GUI Scripting (aka assistive devices) was enabled in the system. This is required if you want to use any gui scripting (ie, everyone doing automation) so here's the code I ended up using. This function will check to see if assistive devices is enabled, and loop to enable it asking the user. If the setting doesn't take (due to user typing in their password incorrectly, or other reason) it will reloop until either success or until you click cancel:
on enableGUIScripting()
tell application "System Events"
set currentstate to UI elements enabled
repeat while currentstate = false
tell application "Finder"
display dialog "Assistive devices must be enabled: enable now?"
delay 0.5
end tell
set UI elements enabled to true
set currentstate to UI elements enabled
end repeat
end tell
return currentstate
end enableGUIScripting
Another thing I wanted to do and you will need to be able to do if your programming automation routines in applescript is to enable full keyboard control. This allows the "TAB" key to access all controls on a page rather than just text input fields. This is located under System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Full Keyboard Access :
on enableFullKeyboardControl()
set currentstate to ""
do shell script "defaults read .GlobalPreferences AppleKeyboardUIMode"
set currentstate to the result
repeat while currentstate is not 2
tell application "Finder"
display dialog "Full Keyboard Access must be enabled: enable now?"
delay 0.5
end tell
do shell script "defaults write .GlobalPreferences AppleKeyboardUIMode -int 2"
do shell script "defaults read .GlobalPreferences AppleKeyboardUIMode"
set currentstate to the result
end repeat
return currentstate
end enableFullKeyboardControl
Thanks to a couple websites for their help:
Assistive devices enable:
Full Keyboard Control info:
Thanks for the work you put into this; very helpful. One small addition; the line "repeat while currentstate is not 2" loops forever unless the "2" is in quotes. Cheers!